Mission, Vision, Value, Purpose
To ensure every child with learning differences has access, at minimal or no cost, to intensive, multidisciplinary therapy, support and evidence-based treatment, to improve and develop functional skills and the opportunity for achievement.
Every Australian child has equitable opportunity in language learning and development, and the access to resources and remedial support to learn and develop to the best of their ability.
Our services, and as an organisation, our values are centered on the PRIDE matrix.
PARTICIPATION – Participation of children and families in LLD programs
RESPECT – Respect for self, for each other, for diversity, and for our community
INDEPENDENCE – Every child deserves the skills to lead an independent life
DEDICATION – Self-dedication and that of family can change a child’s life
EQUITY – We strive for equity in language learning for all Australian children.
SHINE’s purpose is to provide the following programs and resources in pursuit of its mission:
- Screening Programs: to ensure young children have adequate hearing, vision, speech, language and literacy skills, gross and fine motor skills and social skills.
- Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Assessments: to establish speech, language and literacy skills, mental health, motor skills and social skills, to provide a diagnosis, appropriate funding for support, and assist in establishing appropriate teaching and therapy treatment goals. Resources, materials and specialist programs: for parents and educators to support the speech, language and literacy, mental health, motor skills and social skills development of a child with learning differences.
- Intensive multidisciplinary treatment programs: incorporating Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology, Psychology, Optometry, Audiology, Special Education, Dance, Drama, Music, Art and Physical Recreational therapies.
- Educational programs for teachers and professionals: to update on the nature, cause, consequences and treatments for language-learning differences, and to empower teachers to use evidenced-based classroom practices that will aid the learning of children with LLDs.
- Information programs for parents and young people: to assist in understanding the nature, cause, and treatment options.
- Individualised parental assistance to establish support groups in their local community for other families and help develop community bonds and knowledge sharing.